

Content is the means to connect the needs of your audience with the purpose of your brand. Use content that resonates, explains and persuades to establish and maintain a connection with your audience.


How it works

Good Content means alignment

Good content is aligned with the needs of your audience in every stage of the customer journey. HOw does that work? Chutzpah believes in the power of Touch/Tell/Sell/Care, a communication model designed to connect with your audience at the right moments with the right message.


The icebreaker phase. Create brand awareness through emotional impact: connect your audience to your brand through content that connects to their emotions.

Goal: audience building


The explanation phase. Use content to explain who you are and what you do and emphasize the uniqueness and specialness of your brand: create product love and preference.

Goal: audience building


The buying phase. Turn your interested audience into customers. Use content that removes or reduces barriers that keep your audience from buying.

Goal: converting


The follow-up phase. Turn buyers into ambassadors through content that keeps them engaged with the brand and encourages them to share their experiences with others.

Goal: retention

How we do it

Creating content that works

1. Map the customer journey

We map out your customer journey to understand when your audience is interacting with your brand and determine what type of content should be used at each touchpoint. 

2. Choose channels

The media channels used are just as important as the messages communicated. Together, we choose the channels that create the best brand experience for your audience, both online and offline.

3. Develop formats

We will develop multiple content formats: series of content tailored to the customer journey that tell your brand story. In developing them, we take into account feasibility in terms of budget, time and impact.  

4. create content

With the formats in place, it’s time to create the content. Writing, filming, taking pictures or designing, our team gets to work. Would you rather do it in-house? No problem, we can guide the creation process to provide direction and create maximum impact.

5. distribute

Time to eat! Publish your content and let your audience consume. Collect and use data to understand how your content is performing, and use this information to further improve your content and engagement with your audience. 

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our services

Content Strategy

Content Formats

Content creation

Themes & Topics


