

Branding is becoming what your audience craves. Determine their feelings and needs, and use your brand purpose and (visual) appearance to form attraction and a deep-rooted connection to their lives.


How it works


1. Brand strategy

To begin, it is important to decide where you want to play and how you want to win by answering the who, why, where, when and what.

2. Brand positioning

Once the analysis is complete, it’s time to establish your position and claim it in the minds of your audience. 

3. Brand Identity

With your positioning in place , it is time to put together your (visual) brand identity: the collection of elements (logo, colors, style) to radiate the right image your audience. 

How we do it

BUILding the brand

Discover the winning
brand strategy

Through one or more brand sessions, we discover your target audience, their needs, motivations and attitudes, and the essence of what your brand means (or can mean) to your audience.



Defining your brand

With the discovery phase behind us, we build the foundation of your brand: the core values and vision. We translate these into a positioning statement and brand manifesto, which we turn into a brand slogan short and powerful enough to stick on a bumper sticker.

Develop your brand identity

From name and logo to use of color and fonts, to the way you communicate with your audience, together we build the identity of your brand.

Deliver your brand

It's time to show your brand to the world, both externally and internally. We guide the rollout of the brand through communication plans, content and marketing materials that form appeal and the deep-rooted connection with your stakeholders and audiences.  

Book your
free brand

Get in touch

let's talk branding!

our services

Brand Strategy

Brand workshops

Brand research

Brand positioning

Brand identity

Brand story

logo concepts

visual guidelines


Brands we build